To the woman who called her daughter retarded...

I’m not a mom shaming type person and usually don’t judge other women for how they decide to raise their kids, but what just happened was really sad and disgusting.

Whilst in line at the grocery store I had my one and a half year old in the cart and she was playing with her Stella doll she loved.

A little girl (maybe 6 or so) with Down syndrome got into line behind us with her mom and the little girl immediately steps up to my daughter and starts asking her about her doll, saying her name and that she likes dolls too and such.

The mom turns around with this hateful look on her face and yells the girls name and to stop bothering us, then turns to me and says, “Don’t mind her, she’s just being her annoying retarded self.”

I was literally speechless. I told the woman she was cute and wasn’t bothering us in the least and she rolls her eyes and tugs in the girls shirt to get her to turn away from us...then her daughter is talking to her and she’s just ignoring her completely.

I literally almost cried for this girl, thinking of what her life was going to be with a mother like that. Like, is that considered child abuse? I’m still upset.