Finally asking for advice, seriously need it


So I've been agonizing over this guy for a while but never posted asking for advice in here because it seemed too long to explain. But I've had enough of this situation and need it to end in some way, so imma break it down as short and simple as I can.

We were casually dating and booking up for two months over the summer. We both knew we were both gonna be moving to different cities at the end of the summer, so it had to be casual (unspoken understanding). However, I got attached and developed real feelings for him.

We never discussed if we wanted to still talk or not. And I kinda assumed we wouldn't.

But! Now it's been 4 months and we casually talk over Snapchat, and we've mentioned me going to visit him or him visiting me, and he always brings it up, but I can't quite tell if he's joking.

I recently tried to up the communication a bit by asking if he wanted to FaceTime, he said he couldn't cause he was busy which I could tell was true. But idk if he just doesn't want anymore commitment than Snapchat, whatever that would mean, if that's even a thing, "commitment". Or maybe he's just lazy.

I don't want to make the effort to visit him (3 hour flight), if he's not willing to make the effort to see me. One of us has to first I guess and logistically it makes more sense for me but he had a somewhat easy opportunity to see me when he traveled to visit friends a 4 hour train ride away (easier than flying) and he didn't do that. Maybe there was other obstacles too.

Another problem is I'm leaving in a couple weeks to study in France for a semester. I don't want a committed relationship while I'm there, but I gotta know how this guy feels about me, not just because I'm leaving to have an experience I hope to not have angst of wondering about him while I'm there, but also because these past 5 months of agonizing over him needs to end! It's twice the time we were even dating.

It's like there's a huge chance he doesn't feel the same way. So do I let it go, let him go? Or ask him how he feels? We never really talked about our feelings.

And if I do talk to him, how do I bring it up without sounding too confrontational and aggressive? I was thinking about approaching it from the position of asking if he's serious about me coming to visit (cause I still need to know that too). Cause a-that would say in itself if he feels something for me and b-it could lead to talking about our feelings.