Why do i have red dotted line

& did i ovulate

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The red line is your coverline or baseline. It means that’s your average temperature. The crosshairs mark the day that it estimates you ovulated. It looks like you ovulated on the 11th.


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
If i go bsck to chart & put 6.10am time instead of 6.12am 6.13am & so on would that help get s more accurate chart. I have a few more doctors appointment & booked in for ultrasound so fingers crossed I'll get help


An β€’ Jan 14, 2019
It may be possible that your not ovulating, which happens frequently for people with PCOS. I hope you’re able to figure out your cycle soon. Best of luck πŸ’•πŸ’•


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
I been told i have pcos that's why no postive opks & i don't get much cm & no ewcm yet


Posted at
The more temps you take the better 😊


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
Thanx hun


Posted at
And here's my chart even though I haven't got a lot of pre ovulation temperatures ovulation is still be guaranteed by FF because it's a clear chart with low temps before ovulation and high temps after ovulation I guess in my case it also helps that I have ewcm start then stop after ovulation. Good luck


BusyBee β™₯️ πŸ‘«πŸ‘§β™₯️ β€’ Jan 15, 2019
Posted 😊


BusyBee β™₯️ πŸ‘«πŸ‘§β™₯️ β€’ Jan 15, 2019
Thanks! Ill post it as a separate comment since i cant on this part for some reason


Cara β€’ Jan 15, 2019
Sure post it here 😊


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Adding a pic to show a complete chart for a conception cycleβ€”


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
Thank you


Posted at
It's a dotted red line because FF isn't 100% certain on the ovulation day if you add any ewcm or water cm to your chart after their predicted ovulation that will give you a dotted Redline or if you don't take your temperature consistently everyday then it's hard for FF to give a solid prediction


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
Is there anyway i can find out if i have ewcm when it's up where needed around my cervix but can't find it. What do i type in on goggle to find information please x


Cara β€’ Jan 14, 2019
I ovulate but have always struggle to get a positive opk I think I've had one in 12 months and that's doing a lot of tests every month I gave up on the opks also a lot of woman don't have egg white cm in most cases it's just that it's not notice because it's up where it's needed around the cervix or in the cervix if you do a bit of research it will be quiet relieving for you I think


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
I never seem to have ewcm or postive opks & I'm still cd14 i charted wrong day by mistake


Posted at
You stopped temping too soon after your estimated o date for Ff to get an accurate enough picture to give you solid crosshairs. Just temp every single day.


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
& i justrealised i put a temp on cd20 or cd21 so I'll have to change that cos like i said I'm cd14


be β€’ Jan 14, 2019
I'm still doing my bbt each morning I'm cd14 I'll carry on with temps


Posted at
I have the dotted line too because I had watery cm around 2 or 3 dpo .. it does look like you ovulated though


be β€’ Jan 15, 2019
I'm not familiar with charts one bit


BusyBee β™₯️ πŸ‘«πŸ‘§β™₯️ β€’ Jan 15, 2019
Yea i was wondering if that setting waa helpful .. i have it on advanced now.. and yea the watery cm ill add to my noted but thats def what ff said was the reason for my dots .. oh are you familiar with charts? Ive been trying to get some advice on mine .. i think i may have implanted 🀞


be β€’ Jan 15, 2019
Thank you i shall do that


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