Physically taxing jobs


I’m 26 weeks pregnant today! But I just was wondering if anyone else has a job that requires them to physically lift/move stuff or people? I work with special needs kids in the school system and today the little boy I work with became frustrated and attempted to run into the school parking lot.. usually I don’t use physical restraints (especially not since being pregnant) but as a reflex I grabbed the kid to keep him from running into the parking lot.. he fought me on it though.. he continued to try and run while I was hanging onto him and it made my back sore and it caused me to have a few Braxton Hicks... he didn’t hit my belly or anything. He weighs well over 50 pounds, I didn’t not lift him. Just kept him from running away. I’m just wondering if that kind of thing can hurt my baby? My hips were a little achey afterward but I have felt her move since it happened.. please no mean comments.. I had a Hematoma at the beginning of my pregnancy and as a precaution I don’t lift or move anything over 20 pounds..