Why not me? Over 40 months!


I just want to have a baby. 😭😭😭 about to start my tww. Nearly 4 years of trying....

Over 40 cycles of waiting

Over 40 months of hoping only to find out I'm not pregnant...again

Over 40 months of watching everyone else get their little bundle of joy while trying not to feel left behind

Over 40 months of increasingly feeling like it's never going to happen

Over 40 months of joy and fun baby dancing with my husband

Over 40 months learning about myself through the grief and pain of an empty womb

Over 40 months of trusting that God still and always holds me in the palm of his hand

Over 40 months of realising who my true friends are

Over 40 months of waiting for our miracle.

Hoping and praying that this year is our year!
