99% Sure We’re Having a Girl!


And my husband is going to be so annoyed. 😂😂😂 he has four girls, I have one, and we have our one son. He really wants another boy and definitely doesn’t want a girl. I’m torn because boys are adorable and we already have all of the clothes we would need but with a girl we would get new (mostly used but new to us) clothes and girl clothes are so cute. 🥰 I just love babies. Boy or girl. I don’t have his view point in having so many girls and only one boy, for me it’s girl versus boy, who’s the tie breaker? His girls are all pretty grown and have their mom and my husband’s ex that they still see occasionally (she was their stepmom for 10 years so I completely get it). I love them but I don’t consider them to be a deciding factor in what gender I want like he does. Obviously his sperm doesn’t think he needs sons. 😂 that last one was a fluke.