I just need a second

My son won’t nap unless he’s being held by me, or sometimes my bf. My Dad was here watching him so I could go to a dance class with a friend of mine. I was so excited to get out and do something fun/ good for me, but she canceled at the last minute. I understand, she’s hella busy, but I was actually really looking forward to it, i never do anything fun for myself anymore. I ran to get my dogs from daycare (it’s the only way I can get their energy out!) during babe’s nap time. My Dad couldn’t get my son to nap, so now he’s been fighting it for two hours and it’s now past his bedtime. If I try to put him in his crib when he’s overtired he’ll wake back up.. I really want to make some food and eat a decent meal but I can’t without waking him up. I would’ve earlier, but I was getting ready for this damn class I thought I was going to: (finding a good outfit, dance shoes, pumping, getting everything ready that my Dad might need.) Now I just have to sit here bummed and starving so my babe can get some sleep. I wish I could appreciate holding him but I’m just annoyed and hungry and can’t ever seem to get a second. 😩

UPDATE: Thank you for the recommendation of a baby wrap carrier. I have one, but haven’t used it in awhile bc it hurts my back and makes me all sweaty.. but at least then my stomach won’t be grumbling! lol I should bust it out again, good call.. ☺️