Can we just talk about this real quick


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i didn’t know how to take this at first. and it still ticks me off just a tiny bit, almost like “aww look it’s not that hard !”

How absolutely stunning and effortless does Rachel makes breastfeeding look?? Is this a cruel joke ? 😂 mind you she is 40... and doesn’t look a day over 25 🤦🏼‍♀️ I guess that’s what millions of dollars does for you !

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In the end, I ended up seeing it that way as well


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I guess I took it from a different stand point. My first thought was good for you girl. Just because we become moms doesn’t mean our life stops. As a career women I spent many hours with my first hooked up to that pump in between tasks and still needing to look presentable. Mind you, I would ever be that dressed up but maybe she’s in the middle of a photo shoot and taking a break to pump. Motherhood never stops and our lives don’t stop either. I guess the image to me is powerful.