Proud momma moment

Toni • First time momma bear 🐻💙 Future nursing student 🏥❣️

From day one I was basically forced to supplement my son despite wanting to exclusively breastfeed. That was heartbreaking but it was best. I tried latching for a good 2 weeks with hardly any success. A latch for 2-3 minutes tops seemed like a moment to be proud of. Fast forward 3 weeks later and momma gave up on pumping because my supply had basically run dry it seemed. Was barely getting an OZ in a session from both breasts put together. Now!! I've started on domperidone, I pump 6 times a day (I want to pump more but I'm home alone all day it's hard to get time idk how some momma's do it I praise them.) And just today during my first session I've finally reached my supply point I was at when I gave up. it's not much but it can only go up from here!! I'm also going to try latch little man again and I can't wait to see how it goes ❤️ It's never too late