Crazy mother in-law!! What should I do??


I just recently found out that I am pregnant with baby number six and my mother-in-law was angry when I found out we were having baby number four and five even though she’s got beautiful grandbabies she still resents me. Her son and i have been together for over 10 years and I just don’t get it. My hubs and I have joked about not telling her about this baby until this baby is born because even though she lives A quarter-mile down the street I only go over there on holidays or when I have to. She is so negative and stresses my husband and I and as well as my other children out and seems to always want to choose one of her grandbabies to come out there and or has an excuse on why my nine-year-old daughter can only come by herself and her four-year-old sister can’t come with her. So my question is do I wait to tell her we are pregnant with baby number six or do we wait till the babies born and just send her pictures, with it’s a boy/girl! Haha my three oldest children are from a previous relationship. And the nine and four-year-old girls are her only blood granddaughters.

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Posted at
Don’t tell her. We didn’t tell my in-laws until recently only because we were announcing it but I pretty much had told the whole family already except them. 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol I didn’t even go with hubs to tell them. He told his mom through text.


Tiffany • Jan 16, 2019
I agree!!! I’m a stress and drama free mama!


J • Jan 16, 2019
Congrats though ! 💕💕


J • Jan 16, 2019
Totally lol honestly whatever disturbs my peace of mind or just makes me feel any negative vibes I refuse to acknowledge lol. ✂️ I cut them off so quick and no warning lol


Posted at
I wouldn't tell her. My mom told me she hated me and my son while I was pregnant. But after I moved out, I no longer tell her anything about me or my son. If she cannot respect me, my son, or my SO then she can't be in our lives. If course she gets on my grandmother's page to see my pictures but she can't comment on them. I have her blocked in every social media. I would wait until I have the baby and send her pictures.


Posted at
I haven't and actually don't plan on telling my boyfriends father that we're expecting. He stressed my boyfriend out to the point where we always end up leaving where we are just to get away from him. We came to terms with if it makes drama/stress than to just leave it be. IF we decides to tell his dad about our baby it definitely won't be till after our son is here. But chances are, we're not going too.