Sleep paralysis?

Rachelle • Boy mom 💙

Has anyone experienced it?

So last night, I experienced some awful sleep paralysis. I’ve had it happen before, years ago while I was in High School, but it was only not being able to move. However, last night, I was unable to move or talk and there was a shadowy figure lurking in my room. It kept getting closer and closer as I tried to wake my husband up but I couldn’t move or speak. It was honestly so terrifying. And it happened like three times in a row. I’d finally wake up, calm myself down, snuggle closer to my husband and try to fall asleep again and it would happen right as I was about to fall asleep (until I finally switched positions and slept on my side), but each time the figure would be closer to me. I’m so scared to fall asleep tonight, but the research I’ve done on it (which isn’t much but a quick google search) says sleep deprivation and irregular sleeping exacerbates sleep paralysis. So I don’t know what to do. My husband gave me his hand to squeeze tonight if for some reason it happens again and I need to wake him up. 😩 any tips on how to prevent this from happening again?