It was my mistake.

Jazleen • Blessed with 2 beautiful angels from above. 💖💙👼🏽 Rainbow baby due 12/31/2020 🌈👶🏽💗💙

I'm 22, been with my boyfriend for almost a year. We live together,we had a MC last year in November. So within the little time we have had together we have been through alot.. fast forwarding to a week ago, I made a mistake my boyfriend isnt the lovey dovey type doesnt make me feel beautiful let alone doesnt want to tell me, doesnt like the hand holding or the kissing or whatever, long story boring my ex had texted me and pretty much was telling me what I wanted to hear, telling me the beautifuls that I deserve more I'm a good woman etc. We met up for lunch and he had kissed me goodbye.. see I am not a cheater never cheated before and it was killing me ( I have fallen into depression bc of it) and my boyfriend decided to look through my phone that night...he saw the text messages from my ex and began to flip out. Understandable. He told me had to go,and I was packing my stuff the next day he decided that I could stay and we could TRY and work on things.... overall he isnt talking to me texting me kissing me hugging me nothing and I feel like we lost everything....have you ladies ever experienced anything like this and you and your partner got through it.... I know hes hurt he needs time but mentally I'm messed up bc I'm not that type of person.. and now imma have these thoughts that hes going to go out and hurt me back or whatever...idk what to do at this point..should I stay or go???