He’s here 🥰

Ariana • 3/20/17, 1/15/19

This is our second boy, our first being 22months old now. He was 11 days over due, I was induced, ended up in an emergency csection (8lbs 8.5ozs, 21.5in). It was a traumatizing experience.

I wanted to try VBAC, but said I would not be induced this time around. Made my repeat csection for 1/21 if he didn’t come. Well about a week ago I called the office and said let’s move it up. Today was the day! At 40+3 we had our repeat csection and had our perfectly healthy boy. Weighing 9lbs 7.1oz!! 😳 20 in long. When they told me how much he weighed I was just speechless. It explains the shortness of breath, exhaustion, constant pain in my pelvis and ribs haha. Very happy I went with my gut and our experience this time around was so amazing. In the OR baby got delayed cord clamping, my husband got to trim the cord, nonessential things were put off till recovery so that I could hold him skin to skin and even breastfeed while I was being stitched up!

I’m unplugged from everything and moving around on my own already. Can’t wait for his big brother to come tomorrow morning and meet him for the first time 😍