😭😭😭Need advice

So I went off the BC pill late August. I didn't track anything in September, but I got a normal period about 30 days after stopping the pill. I then tracked every month using OPK and sometimes temping. Each month, I ovulated on CD 16 or 17. I had very irregular cycles in my teens and 20s, so I asked my doctor to do day 3 labs early on to make sure all was well. Those came out normal, as did a US. My husbands sperm morphology is borderline at 4%, but his counts are over 400 million with good motility, so his doctor didn't seem too worried. Flash forward 4 months and we still hadn't conceived, and suddenly my OPKs were negative day after day! I panicked and made an MD appointment for today, but then I ovulated late on CD21. I'm just wondering what questions I should ask at this point. It's been 5 months and we feel we should be pregnant by now with all the tracking and BDing (we do it for several days leading up to O, and on O day every month. The rest of the month we average every other day). Since I'm a week out from my late O, should I request a progesterone level? I have zero risk factors for Endo and no history of PID or STDs (only had 1 partner before DH and he was tested), but should I request an HSG? Since I just turned 35, I feel I should be taking action but I'm not sure what to ask for. Seems a little soon to take on the risks of futility drugs, but I don't want to waste time either.