6 days late bfns, spotting that stopped

So 2 weeks ago, (a week before missed af) I had 2 positive test the next day I took another test and it was negative. I already made an appointment for blood test to confirm but after the negative test I figured I'd wait till after af was due to go and get it done. Af never showed no cramping no normal PMS nothing, the day after af was suppose to show I had the slightest ting of pink only when I wiped. That happened on and of for 3 days but only when I wiped. So I went for the blood test 4 days after missed af. Its was under 1. That day i was having horrible back pain which has now gone away. I'm 6 days late now and bfn this morning. I'm never this late. I have no symptoms of af or pregnancy. I woke up this morning with my nipples (barely) but a little tender.im going crazy reading on here so I thought I'd post this. I know it's a waiting game but has anyone experienced anything like this and what was the outcome?