Help!? Dont judge me...

So I'm due February 14 in a few weeks or earlier hopefully and I've had sex with 1 person multiple times from May 19-30 which was during my ovulation period. My ovulation was May 20-26 and it was protected sex except for one time it wasn't & then i had sex with someone else but protected sex a week later from ovulation one time, June 2nd. My period was due June 7th-11th I know the first guy is the father but he said the other day he wants a dna test which shocked me. He believes its his baby but he wants to make sure and he even got pregnancy symptoms since day 1 and said that he had a feeling i was pregnant before i even knew i was... this is my first kid too btw and he doesn't even know about the second guy but i know deep down its the first guys baby. Do you guys agree or think otherwise? And yes i will be taking a dna test regardless.