Bedtime Routines???


I’m just curious mamas, what are your bedtime routines for your LO’s??? My daughter is two months old and I always feel like I miss her window of sleepiness in the evening time and am left battling her over-tiredness. I’m so worried of letting her oversleep yet get ENOUGH sleep. She always fights her naps during the day, too. Any tips? Right now, I start her bedtime routine around six because it usually takes her about 1.5 to 2 hours to get her settled: read a book, outfit change, diaper change, feeding, rocked until sleepy...

UPDATE: we also have a white noise machine that we turn on while dimming lights when feeding her. I haven’t incorporated bath time because we’re still only bathing her three times a week to prevent over-drying her skin and she usually gets really alert afterwards anyways...