For FTM’s: They honestly grow up so fast 🥺💕

Keisha • 23 🌮🍷 Momma to a baby boy 💙 Girl due Nov 2019🎀Wifey to Mr. J 🥰💑👪

So I’m sitting in the rocking chair with my 5 1/2 month old son and realizing how big he actually is. He doesn’t like to be cradled very much anymore so he’s been in the mood for sleeping on his tummy even when in the rocking chair. And it’s been getting harder and harder to hold him because he’s getting SO big! I love my heathy big boy, but man has this time flown by! I remember back when he was a few days old and wanting to savour every moment I could, whether it meant holding on to him a little while longer while he slept, rocking him a little linger just because, and never leaving his side. I remember the first time he smiled, laughed, held up his head, rolled over, ate his first purée, getting his first tooth & the teething process for it, and so much more that he has accomplished. Those are things I couldn’t wait for him to do but now I wish he would stop growing up. Why is it that we rush our babies into growing up😫 I know these things are important milestones, don’t get me wrong I would much rather him meet these, but I’m feeling like these months are getting shorter and shorter and he’s already becoming so independent. The other day I started thinking about his first birthday party and started planning, gathering ideas for it, it’s honestly crazy that in another 6 months we will be throwing it and our little boy will be ONE!! I can’t wait to watch him grow up over the years, but these years and months, even days need to slow down. I find myself at the end of the day when he’s in bed and I’m sitting here by myself, I’m finding I wonder where the day went, how did we just spend all that time together and time was non existent. So for all the expecting mothers out there, in particular the first time moms, CHERISH every second. Even when you’re running on zero sleep, haven’t showered in days, haven’t seen the outside world in even longer, and drank a weeks worth of caffeine in one day; cherish the moments & take LOTS & LOTS of pictures. You’ll spend your down time looking back on those picture and memories just in disbelief, and falling in love all over again with your little one. It really is the best thing ever, motherhood❤️❤️