Would you tell a murderer of 4 that you loved them in court?


this man in August 2018 killed his 2 young daughters and wife and unborn child (she was pregnant)... so 4 people in total..then he dumped their bodies in an oil rig that he works at....and then tried to sell his house and claim life insurance on them so that he can run off with his mistress... Anyway if u want more details please watch "Chris Watts documentary (full movie) on YouTube... its nice it has his confession in interrogation and his mistress too... Anyway back to the topic his mother and father stood up in court and said "we love you and forgive you and will stand by you and support you forever our son because you were a good father and husband" anyway do you think this is right and if u were the mom/dad of a murderer would you say the same thing in court or tell him u were disappointed in his actions?

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