Officially 13 months and no BFP 😔


I think I’m out. Just started spotting. Every month I swear it’s it and nothing but bfn. 🤦🏼‍♀️

We’ve went back and forth from “not trying not preventing”, to full blown trying. I’ve tried geritol. I’ve tried using opks/tracking. I’ve tried conceive plus lube. Ive tried fertility teas. I’ve tried prenatal pills. I’ve tried being healthier all around.

The last two months I decided we weren’t going to “ try” anymore but enjoy spending that intimate time. I didn’t track. We were both very intimate. Both months I had zero pms symptoms and was so hopeful but no, af showed anyway.

I’m so tired of this feeling. I’ve been begging and praying to give my son a sibling. I’ve spent so much money on tests and time on “googling symptoms”, and also on this app.

I’m tired of my husband kissing my empty stomach and pretending the baby is in there.

I’m tired of silly little “fights” with my husband blaming each other why we aren’t pregnant. 😞

My son was a complete surprise. And after two laps for endometriosis my doctor told us start trying again and we should fall pregnant. BUT NO. Hasn’t happened. 😭

TTC is completely exhausting mentally and physically. I can’t wait to sit and have an alcoholic drink tonight. 🍻

I wish everyone luck/baby dust. And pray for BFPs soon.🤞🏼✨