I've had off and on for 2 years...


Can anyone tell me what this is?

A little back story, I had it on my legs for about a year, went to three different doctors and surprised know one knew what it was. They all said ring wormx and tested it for ring worm lab results came back negative. So they just kept sending me home with cream after cream, it would go away and come right back. So I went to another doctor he said he wasn't worried about what it was he was worried about getting rid of it so gave me a steroid cream AGAIN went away and came right back. Now off to the third doctor she said possibly eczema and said she would get rid of it and gave me oral antibiotics and a steroid pill I had to take for a week. To my surprise it was gone and gone for good... so I thought! It's been a year and it's back AGAIN! But this time it's on my shin of my one leg and on my elbow that's it. I've put cream on it and it's not going away! I'll have to go to doctor again but wanna know y'alls thoughts! Its round as if it was ring worm, bumpy, red, and itchy as hell! Thanks for ur opinions!