Femara/Letrozole to TTC

Soso • Rainbow babies May `16 & June ‘19!!! 🙌🏾❤️
I used Femara to TTC & after 11 unsuccessful months because I have PCOS & don't ovulate, I got my BFP. Sadly, I lost the baby because it was an ectopic pregnancy. I then found out that fertility drugs don't just increase risk of miscarriage (which I was ready for) but also of EP (which took me by total surprise)! Does anyone know if I should have done anything differently? For example, should DH & I have use protection when BD'ing on the first cycle of Femara to allow my ovaries to "cleanse" first? Or has anyone had a similar experience? I have to wait till next month to TTC again & I'm just not sure if I should give Femara another try (I'm told it's better than Clomid e.g. has less side effects & hyper stimulation) or just go natural & pray that a miracle happens & I O without help ...?