Step son doesnt love me 😭

You guys this is killing me. I dont know what happened but recently my step son has seemed very irritated and angry with me.

We have always had an awesome relationship. I came into his life when he was 2 and he is currently 10. He doesnt remember life without me. He would always call me the cool step mom and tell his friends how laid back and nice I was..... recently something has changed. He is CONSTANTLY snarking back at me. He just seems sooooo annoyed. I cant seem to make him happy. For example he asked if we could all watch a movie tonight. I told him I could make him hot cocoa but that I was going to bed early because I had a long say at work. He rolled his eyes at me!!!! Then when I went to hug him good night he patted me on the back rather than hugging me back and didnt say he loved me after I told him I loved him 😭 he has been like this for a month now. I dont know what I did wrong.