At a loss. I’d really appreciate some advice

My husband and I got into the worst fight we have ever had tonight. He’s currently in our bedroom and I’m in the guest bedroom. We have been together almost 8 years, married almost 4 years, and have a 4 month old baby girl.

He has a VERY good job. Makes well over $100,000 and has been there maybe a year and a half. Well the company he used to work for was bought out and a lot of his coworkers were fired, and they kept him and a few other people on. Ever since this happened in early December he comes home drunk, not wasted, just drunk multiple times a week. Occasionally I don’t care at all but it’s becoming a regular thing at this point.

So I told him 2 days ago that I was planning to go to dinner with 2 of my girlfriends tonight who I hadn’t seen in a while. I reminded him today about it and he said he’d be home at a specific time. Well he was late because he was at the bar drinking with coworkers. So obviously I’m upset because one, he was late, but more importantly he came home drunk when he knew he was supposed to watch our daughter while I went to dinner.

Then starts the fighting. I told him forget it I’m not going. I tell him I really don’t want him to end up like his mom (She’s a alcoholic) and that I’m getting sick of this happening multiple times a week and don’t feel comfortable leaving our daughter with him. I then basically tell him to look at his priorities because I’m not doing this for the rest of my life.

He goes on to tell me how I never contribute, ( I make around $70,000/yr and work full time 12 hr night shifts and am currently in school full time working on my masters) and don’t do shit around the house. Then goes on to tell me I’m a shitty wife and could be a better mom. That’s what really got me because I live for my daughter and am such a great mom to her, I know that. He then gives me shit for being on a antidepressant because I had bad postpartum depression.

So currently we are sleeping in separate beds and I have no idea what to do. Nothing like this has ever happened before we normally have a great relationship. I feel broken 😞

Edit: he got up with our daughter this morning at 6 and let me sleep in, ( I had worked the previous nights). He’s actually talking to me this morning so that’s a step in the right direction I guess. Thank you for all of your advice I appreciate it.