
so my almost 3 month old has had a cough for about a little over a week now , ive took him to his doctor 2x already, the first time she said he had minor wheezing & dx him with baby bronchitis told me I'd just have let it take its course this was Monday..

Fast foward Tuesday night his cough sounded worse took him back in Wednesday told her it seemed way worse & i was concerned, she listened to him said he was no longer wheezing so that was a good sign. I asked her if there was anything i could do to sooth him & help during his cough attacks she said no maybe some saline drops , asked her if a humidifier helps she told me no studies show it helps , asked her about baby rub she said no studies shows it helps.....

Fast foward to last night early this morning at about 2am he woke up gasping for air then started screaming & crying like ive never seen him do before seems like he's sort of choking on his mucus.. fast foward to today he had another episode, i just dont know what to do its very scary & im getting no answers from the doctors .....