New To This


I was referred by my old OB to my new one. The new one says I have an 80% chance of having a successful VBAC (which I think that’s the highest chance of success they can give?). I am very excited about being able to experience the “trial of labor!” My first son was folded in half and breech and I had to have a cesarean. The new OB says that since I did go into labor on my own and progressed in dilation and contractions, that my body knows what to do and it wasn’t a “my body” reason for having the cesarean.

Anyway, I still very anxious/nervous about having a VBAC. Did anyone else feel this way? I feel like I’m maybe being overly fearful! Am I just psyching myself out? Is there anything I should know about that would stop me from having a VBAC?

Thanks for your time!