First miscarriage


I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child in November. I went to the ER on 1/12/2019 due to having some bleeding. I found out that I had a missed miscarriage. I was suppose to be 11 weeks, but the baby stopped growing at 8. I called my doctor on Monday to inform her of the news, I left a message. I went to work that day as everything was still normal. Around 4pm, hell broke loose. I went into the full blown miscarriage. It was very painful but bearable until about 8:30 that night when I finally broke down from the pain. I was having contractions 1.5 minutes apart. I called my boyfriend and told him we needed to go back to the hospital. I was bleeding so much. I was in excruciating pain that I just kept bawling. Around midnight, after sitting in the hospital for hours, passing waffle sized clots and everything else the pain finally started to ease up. I went from about a 12 on the pain scale to a 3. The doctor finally came in and seen me(after doing everything pretty much myself) and said he’d like to do a pelvic exam to check and make sure nothing was stuck in my cervix. He informs me during the pelvic that the miscarriage was stuck in my cervix but he was able to get it out. He let me see it (I don’t know why I asked to look) but it didn’t look anything like I thought it would.

Everyone keeps asking me how I’m doing and most days I’m fine, but sometimes I get a urge to bawl my eyes out.. I miss my baby.. knowing that I’m not pregnant anymore is just killing me.. I want to give my baby a name but I can’t think of anything.. I’m trying to pick something that means angel, wanted, much loved, etc. just something along those lines. If you have any idea, please share it.