Advice please😔

Through out my life I've been Gay for 14 years. Told myself, if I get heartbroken from another girl than I'm done with girls. Literally, DONE! Outta no where there's this guy I've met & we've been talking non stop.. craziest thing is, I never had a BOYFRIEND before. Yup, never! We've hung out multiple times & soon later we made it official. & because we talked numerous times about anything and everything before making it official. I remember a lot of shit! Trust & believe. We been together for almost 4 months! Today, I decided to clean my boyfriends room since were thinking about getting a bigger bed & rearrange everything which he was okay with. I than found a pic of him & his ex. I asked him if he still wanted it for memories he said no.. the one thing that bothers me is that we told each other we don't have anything from the past nor want da past in da future. Not only I found a pic. I found a safe full of love letters, valentines card, picture album from his 2 exes that he been with through his entire life. Am I wrong to be upset that he lied to my face about not having things from the past & saying he don't like cherishing nor keeping memories? Or should I just let it go & go on with my life cause if we happy than non of that should ruin what we have? Any advice would help.. but than again why keep it if he says his 1st gf was psycho to the point he couldn't hang with his friends nor family. Totally made this wedding planning book & when they will get kids. Creppy Much! 2nd gf depended on parents for anything, parents was strict, parents didn't like him so she left him for another guy & moved away with um. Both girls only think about themselves which made him spoil the shit outta them & literally controlled him... so yeah, help