Stay at home mom debate

MamaBear3 • I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.

Yesterday on my morning drive, our radio station brought up this topic. Based on statistics( not sure which one) that if stay at home moms got paid the average salary would equal out to be 160,000 a year. A guy had called immediately with the balls to say a women should know her “role” it’s her job to do everything and not complain and if they did get paid they shouldn’t even get 20,000 a year. I was taken back. I am a SAHM with 3 kids one special needs and work a full time job from home. And I work my ass off! My husband said if anybody said this to me or our daughter that we should know our “roles” he would lay them out. So I was pretty irritated with his comment. Needless to say this guy got blasted on the radio . So my question is does anybody else agree with him? What are your thoughts on this?