Miscarriage limbo


I'm hoping someone, anyone on here has had a similar experience to what I'm currently going through.

Last weekend I had 4 BFP, 2 days after my missed period. I had sore boobs and some sickness feelings. On Wednesday night my boobs stopped hurting and I woke up with period like pains, when I went to the toilet and wiped i was bleeding- it was like red CM, not full on blood. I went to the hospital and they said my bloods looked ok for 5w and sent me home.

Throughout the day i continued to cramp and have light bleeding then I passed a clot- hysterical I went to the GP who sent me to the hospital- they conducted a vaginal exam and pulled out more blood and 'possible' pregnancy tissue. They said my HCG level was super low (at 22 i know it's ridiculously low) but the clot I passed was just blood.

They will not say that I've miscarried until I go back on Thursday for more bloods and it shows my HCG levels have dropped. I'm devastated as I know I've lost my little bean but just can't help clinging on to that tiny bit of hope. I can't stop crying and my husband is in bits.

I'm in total limbo and feel hollow- I just want them to confirm so we can start trying again. I stopped bleeding yesterday morning and feel back to normal (apart from being physically and mentally drained).

Has anyone else been here before?