Breasts stop being sore around 5/6 weeks?

Hey all you beautiful mommies! 
So, did anybody's symptoms seem to decrease right around 5 or 6 weeks? 
I'm 5w5d and my boobs were literally aching. Sooo tender, I could barely touch them, bend over, or shower without wincing... Up till yesterday, that is. Now--nada. They even seem to have gone down some in size. Has this happened to anyone else?
Here are the facts:
--2 healthy daughters, natural birth
--5 miscarriages in a row after youngest daughter (she's 3 now)
--caught this pregnancy at 3w5d and immediately doctor put me on progesterone gel and baby aspirin
--hcg was doubling normally at 4w2d 
--first scan scheduled for 7w (sept. 8)
I still feel super nauseated, and super tired. No bleeding or heavy cramping. It's just my boobs. 
Anybody have experience with this? I'm just a bit nervous because I've miscarried so many times now. Every symptom change makes my alarms go off.