Had my baby today


Want to share my good news. And to Any to anyone out there. I had my baby boy at 3am this morning. He is 9lbs and 15 oz. Big baby. Even my doctor was surprised he was that big. My water broke at 6am Friday morning. I heard and felt a pop right through my dream. Came to the hospital with only 2cm dilated Was in labor for 10 hrs all natural. Was going to try and do it myself. After 10hrs I was miserable and still only 2cm. This is my first baby. I needed relief so I got the epidural. And fell asleep to rest. After 4 hrs I was 7cm. And by midnight we were ready to push. I always thought the epidural would take all the pain. But I felt so much and I was so miserable and upset. I pushed for 2 and a half hrs. Till finally his head came and then his shoulders. My doctor had to push my husband put of the way, who was helping me on the left , and pull his other shoulder out, or he would have been stuck. It happened so fast I felt ripping and so much pain. He was out but I felt defeated I didn't want to see him couse he caused me so much pain. I got a 3rd degree tear and was sown up for about 30 min. I made my peace with him , he had a badly coned and swollen head , wich looks a lot better now. Any ways just wanted to share my story . To all the moms , we deserve a gold medal for what we go through for our babies ..