I almost laughed him out!!


So on the 17 my doctor said she wanted to induce me since i was already dilated to a 4 so i had an appointment for 8am the next day. Where im at we have to call before to make sure they have a bed. Well no bed so i called back at 9. They said they wouldnt have a bed all morning. I called at 12 still no beds. And they said they would call me back. Well i hadnt had my kids all day my 2 step kids were with my husbands parents and our first daughter was with my mom. We were starting to feel defeated. They hadnt called so i called at 3:30 they said to call again at 4. Finally at 4 they said come in at 5!

So we get there at 5. Im having contractions but not to strong so we started piticon. Kept upping it every hour. Well at 6:30 they broke my water. At about 8 my contractions were starting to hurt pretty bad so i got the epidural. This is my second baby so ive had the epidural before so when the doctor was telling me all the stuff to watch for * lightheadedness, ringing in ears, cant breathe* they said if it didnt happen before it probably wouldnt happen this time. Well pain started going away but at 9 i couldnt breathe. I didnt say anything because it kept going away for a bit, but it would come back. Well then my ears started ringing. And i felt like i was gonna pass out. So i told them. Apparently my blood pressure went way up and they thought the cuff thing on my arm was messing up. Well it wasnt lol. They got my back to being ok. (My husband said i was as white as a ghost that i scared him)

So nurses were betting about 10 that id have him. I was at an 8 then. I told my husband get some sleep. About 11:40 i was feeling pressure but not too bad. At 12 they checked me i was at a 10 but didnt feel like i had to push so i was waiting but finally got my husband up when the next doctor came in about 5 mins later to check me again because baby heartbeat went down. Well his head was almost out. I couldnt feel anything but pressure but they said it was time to push so i did. I pushed he was almost out and then the nurses were joking around and i laughed that got most of his head out! One more push and my baby boy was here.

So long story short. Meet Tyler LeRoy jr

12:20 am 1/19/19

6lbs 15 ounces

21 in

(The bear is made out of his grandpas shirts so he has something to remember his grandpa)

Update: thank you guys so much. I love this bear and i hope tyler will grow up knowing how much his grandpa would love him.

Side note- my mom actually made the bear and has made pillows too