Relationship . . Is it me ?

Marissa l • 20 ♌️| mommy to a beautiful princess❤️ |
So my bf and I have been dating for almost 2 years ( longest relationship ) and since I got pregnant we been arguing a lot  . My daughters now 7 months and we still argue, I hate that he doesn't help me a lot ( he lives with his parents. I live with my mom ) he comes to see her every day , I just hate that his mom always calls him to go pick up his little bros or to go take her somewhere . I get mad because she doesn't do anything but stay home so why wouldn't she be able to go pick up her sons ?!
 ( the school 1 street away !! ) 
Anyways when he comes he don't help me do our daughters laundry he hardly changes her dipper and he don't give me money every month for her . Yes he do buy the things she needs but I heard he has to at least give me money every month for her because his not living here . Basically meaning it's like my moms supporting her . We fought the other day I called him names he called me , he called me a bitch I told him to stop and I stopped idk what he said n he said I was a bitch again ! I slapped him n went inside another room in my house and he left . I realized he don't show me he loves me like he did before I got pregnant , he don't hold my hand hug me or anything only when we wants to have sex his all lovey dovey . We haven't texted at all he did texted yesterday to see his daughter other then that no ! He tried to get my attention by touching my knee but he just left ! He makes me feel like I'm always the one running back to him like if he don't try because I'm always the one running back . . . What should I do ? I still love him to stay with him but I'm tired of always running back always saying sorry how do I make him change :/ back to the way he was before I got pregnant ...