Help Me 💔

Delisha • Loveee ❤
I'm young .. Me and my ex boyfriend (Boyfriend at the time) were ttc for about two years with no luck at all and I have been using glow for about a year period is slightly irregular, but I still tryed and had faith an no matter what I got no luck 💔 at first I thought it was my boyfriend he was over weight and not very healthy and I'm no better .. Now I'm with a new boyfriend we are very happy we just had sex once on Thursday an Saturday of last week both days I was ovulating.. Now I have tender nipples and I'm supposed to get my period the 8th of September. But tender nipplee usually accur around this time.. I wanna be blessed with a child so bad and I hope I'm pregnant now but I'm just so scared of disappointment Can anybody else relate ? And is anyone else going threw this ? What is wrong with me 😢?