Stride Right Shoes???



There was a thread of older ladies (50+) commenting on a post about how “parents now”

Do not care about our children or their ankles because we do not buy stride right shoes????

And saying how dumb people are now because we would never be able to polish our shoes like they did in their day.

But I personally witnessed one of the ladies almost ruin a work tv because she was about to clean it with windex

And then a lady mentioned that all “we” care about are name brand shoes like Jordan’s and Nike.

And I honestly thought majority of children’s shoes, especially Jordan’s, had ankle support???

Unless it’s not the same as these magical stride right shoes.

And I’m a little insulted, although I know it wasn’t about me. I think it’s just that I work with her and I hear her “advice” all the time on how people “should parent”. And I also hear her speak about how lazy people my age specifically are (I’m 20) for not doing something the way she wants, because it’s literally just not how its supposed to be done.

But anyways, a little off track.

Ignore the drama, I am just curious on your motherly opinions on what shoes are “okay”

My family has weak ankles and my grandmother has always been on me about having shoes that support them. And I thought having shoes that support your ankles was just common knowledge because my family is like crazy about it. But From what I’ve seen, most shoes out now do have ankle support

And I was curious whether some were better than others

And when buying the ankle support, majority of what I can find are sturdy, but cushioned.

Is there something I would want to stay away from? Like less cushion or more cushion? Etc.

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Posted at
My son learned to walk at 10 months without shoes. When he finally got his first pair of hard bottomed shoes they were converse and were size 4. My son has very small feet and just moved up to size 5 lol. Everyone told me to get him stride rite shoes but he’s done just fine with his chucks. If he had an issue and needed a certain kind of shoe then I would definitely be open to that brand or a brand that would benefit him.


Posted at
I'm 33 and I have never bought my son a pair of stride rite shoes.His ass got walmart brand shoes till his feet stopped growing every 3 weeks.Now he has filas and kswiss ,all I bought on clearance cause I am not paying full price for shoes he will outgrow in a year.My mom always bitches at me to buy stride rite,I told her if she wants her grandson to have them she can buy them


Posted at
I think what they are talking about is the traditional first walker shoe that they used to get every baby in that generation. They are high tops with very little flexibility. Research proves that flexible, soft soled shoes are better. And that’s what the brand stride rite adheres to for their current line of first walker shoes as do many other brands.


Posted at
With my girls I bought the walking hoes with ankle support. My grandma always told me they needed it. 19,18 and 11. My son who is 6, was a wild cave man. Hated shoes. He learned to walk bare foot. He walks perfectly fine. Every year I hear something new or different about how to raise kids. It’s so confusing, especially with the gaps I have. You think your so knowledgeable because this isn’t your first rodeo. Then you read, what you e been doing for years is wrong. No I’m having the issue with bras. My older girls I was told if they don’t wear a good bra, when there growing, they’ll be lopsided. Now my 11 year olds growing and I’m reading she needs to go braless for them to grow right 🤦🏼‍♀️. I think you use your best judgment as s parent. Sometimes your gut knows better then every one else.


Anon • Jan 21, 2019
I have no idea how you do it, or how my mom did it. My brother and I are 7 years apart. She wasn’t the most “careful” with me and there were quite a few questionable things she did with me. But things that were considered ‘normal’ to do with a kid when I was younger, would never work with my brother.


Posted at
Call me old (im 34), but the only shoes i bought my son from walking at 12 months to age 2 were StrideRite. He now loves his Saucany’s.


Anon • Jan 21, 2019
I’m not saying you are old if you do buy them. I honestly didn’t even think they sold them anymore. My grandmother bought me some when I was younger and said she said were really hard to find and only one store around her had them. I hear they are a really good brand, but I haven’t seen a pair of them in years . Would there be other brands that could compare or is there something about them that patented?


Posted at
I bought my son New Balance because he required an XW. I read a lot of reviews that Stride Rite’s wides were actually a little on the narrow side, so I don’t want to risk it. Honestly, I think any trusted brand is going to make shoes that are good for their feet and there is no necessity to sticking to one brand.