These dreams...

So I obviously have a longing to be with someone I'm in love with again & have those awesome feelings when I'm with them. Ahhh I feel so pathetic🤦‍♀️ Each dream is a different man, one whom I don't know or never seen. Just a random guy in my dream. I've had a handful of these dreams so far in the last year (more frequent lately) but every one, I have strong feelings for, very attracted to them & the most that usually happens is just cuddling or kissing & it feels so real & blissful. It's like a little taste of being with someone you really like. Last night I had one of these dreams & he wrapped his arms around me & I snuggled against his chest in his embrace & it just felt so good😌 I will remenence on it for a few days till it fades. I hope I'll meet the man of my dreams in real life someday, until then I guess I'll just keep having these dreams to enjoy🤷‍♀️❤ lol anyone else can relate?