Stood up on a date


I’m just so annoyed. I thought I found a quality guy. Super nice. We talked about hanging out one night but then I never heard back. He texted me a few days later apologizing because he he ended up losing his job that day. Of course I was understanding and we went back to talking. We made plans for tonight. Like i made these plans Friday and we’ve been talking since. I wake up this morning to a good morning text from him so I reply. All day I didn’t hear back. Around 4 I text to confirm plans and still didn’t hear back. I would have to drive a good 45- 1 hour to meet him so I wasn’t gonna leave me house unless I heard back. So I said screw it and put my sweats on. I’m just so annoyed. I made these plans Friday, then double checked yesterday, and here I am the day of with no word. I literally can not find a decent guy