This day..


Well fml, today at 8am I was supposed to find out the gender of my <a href="">IVF</a> baby and everything that goes with it, I was supposed to be 18+2.

Now we have passed two years of ttc and that baby was my first bfp since I experienced an ectopic pregnancy three years ago.

I'm numb. During this week it will be 10 weeks since the baby died and 8 weeks since I nearly bled to death going through the miscarriage and ended up with an emergency surgery.

My friend had her ultrasound appointment yesterday, they are expecting a girl 😭 we were due the same date but her due date has been moved closer by 4 days.

Currently waiting for my next period so I can start up with my meds for my frozen transfer from the same batch of <a href="">IVF</a>.