Docs begging us to just go for a CSection

Robin • Twin Baby Girls 👶🏼👶🏼

Went into preterm labor this weekend. All is well now and we’re home on bedrest.

However, Baby A is measuring rather small and Baby B is breech. Doctors were pleading with my to not bother a natural vaginal birth trial and go for a CSection for the safety of the babies.

They claim because Baby A is smaller she won’t make enough room for Baby B to come out. Baby B “likely won’t flip” during delivery so her head could get stuck and she could be in serious trouble.

I want to trust my body and my babies and not throw everything we’ve been working for away but I’m terrified of a CSection and know natural vaginal birth has so many benefits if all goes well.

Any insight from moms of multiples who may have been through something similar?

Thank you 💜