First timer and freaking out a lil

I'm 5 weeks pregnant with my first, according to this app, and aside from being a little more tired and having sore breasts nothing is different. When the test was positive the hubs and I were excited, but now I'm nervous and sad and lonely and frustrated almost all the time. Some of this will sound selfish but this is the forum to share right? We have all this travel coming up (with friends) that I fear will be miserable for me (we are (I was) a partying crew), most of my favorite foods are on the no list and I'm a picky eater (oysters, sushi, cheese, deli meats), and I'm constantly concerned about my body (fears of looking ugly/fat forever). We want this child, but my emotions are so out of whack that sometimes I'm scared I cant do this. Hubs is probably still soaking in the news so hasn't been too supportive/doting yet and I guess I had expectations for more attention. Am I alone here? Am I a horrible person? Is this what the whole pregnancy will feel like?