iPhone... the best!

Ok, I am in no way getting paid or anything for this but I am a mom so I’m sending out my recommendation here for those interested.

I have an iPhone 8 Plus and tonight while making dinner, I left my phone on a non-used burner on my stove while I had the oven heating up (not sure why because that makes no sense but in my defense I have a 2 month old and a 2 year old so I’m easily distracted these days). Well, when I realized where my phone was, who knows how long later, it was HOT! And by hot I mean so hot I couldn’t touch it with my bare hands and I use the hottest water possible to wash dishes!

I freaked out, I mean, freaked! Those phones are crazy expensive!

I ended up taking the case off (nothing special, just a plastic thing that offers a tad bit of protection) and put the phone under a fan so it was blowing on it. I thought about the freezer but I thought that would cool it too fast and do damage instead of fix.

After the phone had completely cooled it was of course off and I was terrified to try to turn it on not expecting it to turn on at all. Lo and behold, it actually turned right on and is working perfectly! I typed this very message on that same phone! I’m completely floored and totally impressed! Never getting anything besides an iPhone from now on!