Am I pregers?

Okay sorry, for the long post.

So, it's about four days till my period but my nipples are very sensitive to the touch and I'm having light cramping. But this started three days ago, a week before my period. I've also been checking my cervix and its high, medium and closed. I'm just suspicious because I don't cramp till 1 to 2 days before my period, 3 at most and my nipples almost never get sensitive and if they do not this sensitive. I had a chemical in July and had these same symtoms this early but my breasts weren't tender till 3 days after my due period. Other than that I've been having any regualar PMS symptoms like mood swings and high sex drive. And I just got off the pill awhile ago and had a wacky cycle for about two months but the last two months it's evened itself out. So I dont know whats going on. Any opinions or personal experience o. Early pregnancy signs would be appreciated