What would you do..

So here's the situation:

My best friend works for this woman, she's known and worked for this woman for years, and on one occasion quit because the woman is verbally and physically abusive to her employees.. well, when my friend moved back home she went back to work for this woman who also opened a multiplex food- service hub in a swanky mordern renovated 33,000sq ft building. When my friend went to her office to discuss a deal with her about her salary.. she was offered multiple prescription drugs (Adderall/Xanax/pain killers) like they were candy.. anyways, she took this job and also lives with her boss right now. When my friend was talking to me she told me how her boss was racially profiling the customers, and a potential client for a large event that was being held for a group of alumni from a predominantly African American college in town. Her boss said she "didn't want that many blacks in her restaurant" as it "isn't the image she's going for"

Anyways this business owner has also said "I don't want to hire blacks or Mexicans because they work for a few months then quit for an unemployment check" "I don't want blacks or Mexicans in the front of house because they are bad for business.. but I guess if I have to they can wash dishes and scrub toilets" the business owner and my friend on one night were at the business and my friend asked the bartender to make a to-go alcoholic beverage, and the bartender said I can't do that.. it's against the law, and my friend proceeded to text her boss, then went behind the bar, made the drink herself, and dry humped the bartenders leg then her boss came down and grabbed his ass and told him "when I tell you to make me a drink, that's what I mean" and then let him go.

Well, my friend, lied in numerous interviews saying her boss never instructed her to not hire people based on their race, ect. Whatever not my business.. however, now.. since I'm friends with her..and they are under a lot of legal problems, I've had people ask to interview me multiple times.. and I'm in a shitty position because my friend lives with this woman and has lied countless times, she's also in trouble for sexual harrasment because of the situation with this bartender.

So I've been very distant with my friend (like haven't seen and have talked sparingly to her for months now) and personally I'd love to watch her boss go down in flames, because my sister worked for her and she dealt with her verbal abuse, and racism first hand and quit that job after a few months of working for her. I've also witnessed her verbally abuse her wait staff, racist remarks about her staff behind closed doors and was there when she sexually assaulted the bartender.

I'm also idk pretty irked with my friend for lying and trying to help this person get away with all this bullshit.. like I get it she lives with her and works for her..but she could find another job and rent a different place instead of trying to hide her bosses disgusting behavior.

So, what would you do?