Not sure if this is the right place to post this but, here goes!

So there is this guy at my church, that I had a conversation with once at a church conference two years ago and ever since then I’ve had the biggest crush on him. We have a mutual friend so I basically know everything going on in his life and I assume vice versa with him probably knowing things about me through this mutual friend. We live in the same apartment complex, and I work in the leasing office so we see each other outside of church from time to time. I barely talk to him though and legit have no reason to have a crush but there is something about him that I just can’t let go of. He’s so freaking cute, and so nice and just an all around good guy and I just feel like I’m supposed to talk to him.... but I have no idea what to say. This may be a stretch, but any conversation starters you guys may have that I can try? The last time I talked to him we talked about the Carter five and I wanted to rip my ears off because like no. Haha but any advice on what I should say? Please help, I’m desperate here 😂