Omg it never stops

Having a bad bad day. As part of my bpd I struggle a lot with emotional attachments and I have impulse control disorder

I get pets and rehome after a week as can’t cope

My partner has today kicked off over text at me as I messaged saying can’t cope I’ve been letting dog outside every 30 minutes and he howls and comes in and pisses and shits

Plus looking after toddler

I get a reply calling me a pathetic cunt and telling me he wants out of this relationship I’ve ruined his life and I can’t cope with anything and I’m selfish and pathetic and my bpd is a load of bollocks and he is contacting social care to get kids taken away

Then throws in my face how he has helped pay for my kids from previous relationship even though I have worked also and their dad has them 4 on 4 off and pays for them so?