Abscess baby tooth

My daughter has had a bubble appear on her gum off and on, everytime we were able to take her to her dentist it was gone and they couldn't tell what was going on. It came back about 5 days ago and she had an appointment yesterday for a cleaning so they were able to see it this time. Well, it's a abscess tooth, the tooth had a cavity that they filled about 8 months ago. They told us that the tooth has to come out so they're pulling it next Monday and adding a space maintainer in. This tooth is her baby tooth, my question is, will she be in pain after the numbing wears off after they remove it? The hygentist said she wouldn't have any. But I'm not so sure. I mean, it is removing a tooth. Anyone have any expierance with baby tooth removal and space maintainers? Or has a child that's had it done.