Birth plan


At what point do you get asked about your birth plan Iv got 4 weeks left n still not been asked ?

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I was around 35/37 weeks I think. But it was pointless because the midwife that was covering said come in ill help you by my next appointment it was a new midwife and she said she didn't need to help me I can do it myself. I was like oh great. Lol. You can just write it on your notes or write up your own notes and take it with you. I just put I wanted to breastfeed, instant skin to skin, partner to cut cord.


Sade • Jan 23, 2019
😩 I knowwww every time I have an appointment it’s a different person but thank youu 💖💖💖


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A birth plan is quite basic, my midwife literally wrote a few sentences in the front of my notes. I think there is a nhs template you can use. My plan was as follows:Would like a water birthWill use gas and air and some other pain relief if neededDoesn’t want an epidural unless neededUsing hypo birthing techniques That’s it. But don’t stress about it... for some people their birth plan doesn’t happen or they try and force it but it can be more stressful then. Just go with the flow I had it in my head that a water birth might not happen


Sade • Jan 23, 2019
Thank you so much 💖


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I had an appt at about 36 weeks where my midwife visited me at home and went through all of the different thibgs hat could happen, explained assisted deliveries, different types of pain relief, delivery placenta and vitamin K injections, if I don't mind student midwife being present. Basically gave me as much info as possible so that I could make an informed choice about what my preferences were. We both then just made some notes in my booklet which was given at the hospital in labour.