Which job would you choose


So my current job currently has a schedule of 1 8 hour day and 2 12 hour days. The 12 hour days are back to back so the only time I would see my daughter is drop off to daycare once in a 48 hour period. Pay isnt that great and benefits are decent and I only have to put pants on 3 days a week.

I've been offered a new job that is 8 hour days 5 days a week. I would be able to do drop off every morning and most of the pick ups. Pay is about a 7% increase but the benefits are slightly less than what I have now. Overall I would spend less time at home.

What would you pick?? My husband is all about the 💵💰 so his opinion is trash and I just want to snuggle our baby forever so I'm also a bit biased.


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