Really need to vent


So last Tuesday I was 37 weeks. She checked my cervix and I was a hard 1cm meaning no wiggle room, a -2 station and 60%effaced. Well since then I've been trying to walk every day do squats as my body and 2 year old allow and trying to have sex as much as possible. Well today I went in for my 38 week appointment having high hopes of having progressed, well found out I'm a wiggly 1cm not yet 2 but close, still a -2 station and 70% effaced. I feel so upset with my body that I could honestly cry. On Monday if I haven't gone into labor shes stripping my membranes and I dont really want that I want to do it myself but at this point I dont think shes ever going to come. If any of you ladies have any advice or words of encouragement its greatly appreciated.

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Posted at
Dilation is no indication of labor. I was 4cm with my first for a week before she came. I was closed but soft at 38+4 and at 39+5 I am 3cm and 50% effaced. Had sweeps with my first and doing it with my second


Jade • Jan 23, 2019
Oh wow!!!


Posted at
Don't stress, those measurements don't really have anything to do with predicting labor.


Bra • Jan 23, 2019
Although, i can't speak on PCOS. Sorry you have to deal with that. That probably makes your experience different then mine.


Bra • Jan 23, 2019
I think the period cramps are the cervix dialating. I know i keep looking into every little thing and hoping for a sign ☹️ this is my third one and there's really no consistency. When it happens it just happens.


Jade • Jan 23, 2019
I always thought that they did. I love being pregnant and everything but I'm just done always being in pain and being tired. I'm not even getting Braxton hicks just period like cramps that sometimes get bad. I have pcos so no idea if that has anything to do with it


Posted at
38w5d had my cervix checked today and I’m not dilated at all although I’m pretty thinned and she said baby dropped a liiitle bit , I’m so upset too I feel like my babygirl is never gonna come 😢


Ruby • Jan 23, 2019
Yes so do I ! Bcus of the way I had been feeling and I’ve been waking a lot n trying to do things to help it but seriously I’m not even dilated wat the hell lol this is my first but I really didn’t want to go over her due date either


Jade • Jan 23, 2019
That's what I'm feeling like. I'm showing no signs of labor coming. I was so sure she was going to be early like my son who was 5 days early but now I feel like shes going to wait until after her due date